Ugliest Interface
Im updating my review for the version 4.1, which has just come out. But wow, its worse than ever: This app now has an advertisement for another map called "True Maps 3 - Worldwide Offline Maps, Tap here to get it..."
- This advertisement uses up two-line space(!) of the top of the front screen, and it does not go away no matter what you do, perhaps until you buy it? (I dont know, because I would never buy anything from this maker again, and Im deleting this app as soon as I finish writing this update.)
- This app is still not multi task compliant, so if you switch to any other program and come back, it relaunches itself again. In this age and day, its a little lame.
- But my main objection is still the same as before that this offline map is the ugliest map Ive ever seen, because if you zoom in to the max, you will see that small streets are actually connected by series of sausage shapes that are not blended to each other as if they are last minute lazy additions.
- Then there is this big ugly triangle shape that always sit at the bottom of the screen all the time, which sole function is to call up a large tool box. I did not think it would be so disturbing when I first saw the sample screen shot here at iTunes Store. When I saw it on my own phone, it WAS disturbing, because it hides large portion of the screen unnecessarily, and its simply ugly.
- Whats wrong with just creating a neat tool box strip at the bottom of the screen like most other apps so that you dont need to tap the screen just to call them up? If hiding the tool box is important to maximize the screen, wouldnt it much better to create a small icon, instead of this huge thing, at the corner of the screen so that the screen CAN BE actually maximized? (Then of course, you must take out the 2-line advertisement to maximize the screen, which is so unfair for us paid customers!)
- Finally, let me tell you that I use many other map apps such as OffMaps2, OpenMaps Pro, Paris2Go, London2Go, CityMaps2Go, which are all capable of offline GPS tracking. So when I say that this app is ugliest, Im comparing this with these other apps.
SY3360 about
Paris - Offline Map & City Guide (w/metro!)